Endless space review ign
Endless space review ign

endless space review ign endless space review ign

Another party took power and I started kicking off wars. Through campaigning, funding and a bit of deceit, you can still help your favoured party retain power, though that doesn’t make the outcome a sure thing.Īnd that’s where things went wrong for me.

endless space review ign

They aren’t merely content or unhappy with your leadership – they have their own personal politics that not only colour their views on your actions, but have a tangible impact on the civilisation. It emphasises Endless Space 2’s unusual but welcome focus on the people you rule. Once new parties start appearing, however, the dominant party might change, leaving you forced to go to war for food. The Vodyani have a hard time making friends. Not surprisingly, doing that pisses off the species you’re essentially eating. That means you can harvest without actually declaring war. They start out as zealots, and one of their religious laws allows you to take a hostile action against anyone you’re in a cold war with, which is how every relationship begins. You can either waste a lot of dust – the Endless universe’s main currency – or you can send a ship with the appropriate module to an inhabited world and just start sucking up all those souls.Īll this harvesting is easier or harder depending on, surprisingly, the politics of your people. It’s not a resource that’s easy to come by, however. Essence can also be spent on adding +1 population to a system. Lovely! To create a new Ark, for instance, you need 500 essence, and then 500 on top of that for every subsequent Ark, up to a point. Basically, it’s the souls they harvest from other races. To make this rather impressive ability more balanced, they grow a lot slower than the other races, and can only do so with a resource unique to them: essence. The Ark is essentially a huge factory, to boot, so production is pretty high. While other races have to buy or send ships to new worlds, create outposts, and wait for them to grow into colonies, with the Vodyani it’s instant. So, instead of colonies, they have these Arks, massive ships that can be attached to planets, getting all the benefits that a colony on that system would. They’re fascinating, and will no doubt prove to be powerful in the right hands, but it took me quite a while to figure out what their deal was. Now, a little bit wiser, I know that the space vampires are maybe not the best race to pick first. A race of parasitic entities given form by the suits that they wear, who left their ruined homeworld and now live in gargantuan Arks that exploit the worlds they orbit. They are, perhaps, the most unusual of the four races in Endless Space 2 at the moment. I briefly messed around with them when I visited Amplitude last month, but they’d only just been added to the game and didn’t really work. Having spent most of my time with the Lumeris when I last played, I found myself drawn to the Vodyani. In the 100 turns on offer, there are already a lot of diversions and meaty choices to chew your lip over, and it makes for a compelling glimpse of the bigger picture.


This morning, I harvested the life-force of a planet full of peaceful aliens. Last night, I gave my entire empire pets. Already, I’ve gobbled up countless star systems and found myself in plenty of scraps with space-faring ne'er-do-wells. Endless Space 2 is warping into Steam Early Access next week, but since I’m not a particularly patient intergalactic conqueror, I got my hands on it a wee bit early.

Endless space review ign